About Us
Kimberly Brown Pellum, Ph.D./ Founder
With a terminal degree in United States History from Howard University, Kimberly specializes in the history of women’s images, southern culture and the Black Freedom Struggle. Her contributions to publicly accessible history include work at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History, The National Park Service, The Rosa Parks Museum and GOOGLE’s Arts & Culture series. Kimberly is currently a member of the faculty in the Department of History at Florida A&M University and sparkle is her favorite color. Check out how sequins and serious scholarship come together in her role as Director for the digital Museum of Black Beauty. She can be reached at kbp@thehistoryconsultants.com.

Arlisha R. Norwood, Ph.D. /President and Senior Historian
Arlisha’s from Texas, so “little” isn’t her thing. She brings big impact and bold ideas to the field of history. She specializes in the Nineteenth Century United States and her cutting-edge research examines the experience of single African American women in post-Civil War Virginia. Her passion and commitment to making academic history accessible to the broader public is evident in her major contributions to projects with the National Women’s History Museum, the National Park Service and the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of African American History. She is currently a Visiting Professor in the Department of History at Baruch College (College University of New York). Reach out via arn@thehistoryconsultants.com.